Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Wall Removed

Here is the bedroom wall we removed. Oops, immediate problem, we took out the wall and the ceiling immediately fell about 7 inches. The roof is not supported by trusses. It has rafters supporting the roof but only some very unstable cross pieces hold up the sheet rock. The are just two lengths of 2x4 meeting in the middle and very loosely nailed together. Ouch!!

We frantically propped it back up with 2x4s.

Here is our solution:
We put up a 4x8 beam where the wall had been, then we white washed it.
The two ends are supported with 4x4s and are enclosed in the sheet rock.

As you know I'm very keen on tiffany and craftsman glass.
How do you like this overhead light?


  1. I like that overhead lamp. I think you are doing a sensational job!

  2. I love the overhead light but would prefer can lights. You have many Tiffany lamps for the tables. You are doing a great job but please take more pictures.
