Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Can You Believe It -- No Good Wife Tonight

I have some blue birds in my yard. I have one that will fly into the garage and watch Carl work.

Since I can't watch my favorite TV show I'll sent off some pictures of my favorite birds. Now this guy doesn't live in my yard. I really like to hear loons sing.

This Grackle lives in my yard when it feels like it.

Here is another of my yard guests, a California Quail, apparently lost.


  1. No Good Wife....I'm bummed too. We're watching Biggest Loser and Blogging. Love the birds... I've never heard of a Grackle. But, the blue bird, and the quail are lovely. I too love the loon and recall watching and listening to them in early morning on an Alaskan lake....very haunting.

  2. Take some pictures of your birds or is too cold to go outside yet? My neighbor in Lampasas complains about the Grackles...she thinks they are big pigs that hog all of the food.
