Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Here is the Kitchen

I have been doing a bit of remodeling in the last few months, knocking down walls, putting in new windows, the whole deal. As we had worked our way from the bedrooms to the living room to the kitchen everything we didn't want in a room we either threw away or moved it to the kitchen. On Monday we started in earnest on the kitchen.

Rebecca came down today and we tore into cleaning and organizing the kitchen. Well, I just did what I was told. Check us out. Rebecca, girl you walk on water.

We moved the computer from the living room to the new space several weeks ago. If you look to the window you can see it is before we put in the new window.

Change of plans, we moved the computer to the bedroom and moved this low boy chest into the new space. As you can see, the new window is in and the walls are painted.

Don't you love the change here. We moved that tall shelf that was on the left of these two out of there today. Centered the two. Looks much better don't you think. My heart and my house is full of thanks to Rebecca. She works so hard and gives her excellent creative skills to sweet little house. Mother would love this.


  1. The kitchen looks beautiful! You are almost there....just the clean up and adding the special touches. I enjoy visualizing you living in this lovely space.

  2. Aunt Mary,
    It looks SO great! All of the upgrades are making that house fabulous! Have you done anything to the basement? More pics please. My mom is pretty amazing when it comes to taking a space from messy and unorganized to perfectly liveable and lovely. Enjoy! Go get yourself a large diet coke and enjoy all your hard work.

  3. Yes, I love the house! It looks fabulous! I also love the new lighting and room arrangement. I also enjoy visualizing you living in your new space--just like HGTV. You are so lucky to have Rebecca to help your with house, go to lunch or BYU devotional, shop, or just sit back and visit.

    Keep going and send more pictures.
