Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Like Living In My Living Room

Nothing new here. Something less. Moved the computer out. Then just stirred. Then Rebecca arrived. She told me to just let her do her thing and say nothing, which I did.
Stephen F Austin and Sam Houston

Karen called. Rebecca told Karen she was arranging and that I would soon start hating her but after the stress and mess of the moving was done I'd be over hating her.

She started moving my treasures off the shelves. Oohhh! Putting my little Zuni fetishes in my big plastic garbage box. All my old Life magazines had to go. No cigar boxes. See the paint cans in the doorway? I'm doing it one room at a time now.

See that top shelf, it has about 4 or 5 of my 40 or 50 ducks.
So, what do you think? Me? I love it. Never got mad, never hated her.
Its all good. What do you think?

The kitchen is next. It has been gathering all the stuff that can't be in the other rooms plus is has all the paint and cleaning stuff. Its really awful.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aunt Mary, your living room looks great! My mom is notorious for doing this. I always question whether the outcome will look great and it always does! You are wise to sit back and let her do her thing. I always just tell myself I'll change it the second she leaves!! Funny thing, I've never changed anything!

  3. I love the room arrangement--perhaps you could move the love seat downstairs, or maybe there is room in the kitchen for another seating area. Remember nothing is forever--I rearrange furniture constantly. It sort of reminds me to expand my mind, there is more than one way to do things and if that does not work, be willing to change.

  4. Your living room looks beautiful. It was a pleasure working with you. You were a good sport to allow me to sort through your collectibles and choose those that I felt best fit the space. Love it!!!
