Thursday, March 31, 2011


OK, they think they know what caused the fire at the Provo Tabernacle last Saturday.

A Temporary Light Fixture

So, a 300 watt light was placed too close to a wooden speaker enclosure, it got too hot and the rest is horror. Well, actually the horror includes the watchman coming in to the tabernacle several times to check on the fire alarm that was going off for over an hour and leaving without looking for or finding a fire which was brewing in the attic or upstairs or somewhere. Is that disgusting or what? You lose this fabulous building because some, I want to say something like idiot here, but some person left this light on and placed it too close to a wood cabinet. Again I would like to use the word idiot, but I won't, but some person thought he knew better than an electronic heat sensing device and let the place to burn down. So actually it wasn't a temporary light fixture that burned this incredible building down, it was two brainless, lazy, bipedal, idiots.

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