Monday, March 21, 2011

Viaduct May Not Withstand Earthquake

We have a viaduct at 500 South University Avenue in Provo that is unlikely to be able to withstand an earthquake. There was an article in the news today about this, with pictures.
They showed a lot of pictures of damage on the bridge. These are some of their pictures.
I'm going "No Duh". It may fall down without an earthquake.
Turns out this ain't my bridge. My bridge looks like this from the top and from the bottom but this one is in SLC.
Now I'm just wondering, how many falling down viaducts are there in Utah? Do they all look just the same?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I am not driving over any more viaducts in Utah or Salt Lake County!!! Probably should stay away from bridges as well. This man has the right idea....just walk!
