Saturday, February 19, 2011


Stewart Falls

This was called Breckenridge Falls when we were in college. It is a mile or so up the road from Leigh and Sadie Clark's cabin at Bricker Haven. I don't remember when they started calling it Stewart Fall. Anyway if you remember Clark's cabin, Robert Redford built his house across the way and a little down the road from them. They had that great trilobite fossil in their fireplace. In those days the Stewart's owned Timp Haven. One summer there was an accident on that old single chair and the lawsuits ruined the Stewarts. Robert Redford somehow became the owner of the place and it became Sundance. Long time ago. You could walk around the mountain from Aspen Grove or up that dirt road from Timp Haven to get to the falls. Easy walk either way.

Bridal Veil Falls tram

Remember this? Its gone now. The last year the tram was running Christian's friend John took a girl up there. They were closing for the season that night. When the crew took their last load down they must have forgotten they had customers on top. John saw that the tram was starting to move so they jumped on board thinking to ride it down. Bad luck. The car got about 1/3 of the way and stopped. Even though John was screaming his brains out, the people on the ground didn't hear a thing. They turned out the lights, locked up the place, got in their cars and left. I guess they thought nothing of the car that was still waiting in their parking lot. John's mom called us at about 2 am looking for John. Chris called all their friends and found nothing. Remembering that John had said they might go to Bridle Veil, he and John's mom, I forget her name, headed up the canyon. I waited by the phone. Very few cells in those days. John's car was in the parking lot so they called the sheriff. Still no one heard the screaming as the wind was blowing very hard. The tram car was rocking and rolling. To shorten the story, they finally realized where the kids were, called the owners, rescued the kids.

Bridal Veil Falls

Just remembered something else about Bridal Veil, very sad memory. When they were building the restaurant at the top, a bull dozer backed off the cliff and fell to the bottom. The operator was killed. He was the father of a roommate, Linda McLaughlin. So sad.
Just remembered

1 comment:

  1. These falls are absolutely beautiful. Are you able to hike to Breckenridge Falls today? Or Clark's cabin? If so.....let's go. The two terrifing stories remind us of how dangerous nature can be and how foolish and careless man can be.
