Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day, It's Snowing in Utah

It's Snowing at Snowbird

Stephanie and her family went to Otter Creek to fish this weekend but it was snowing and blowing so they left and went to Pine Valley. It was snowing there too. They gave up and came home.

Snowbird says they will be open for skiing on Fridays until July 4 if they still have snow.

We had rain all day in Provo and it snowed at all the area resorts all day.
All these pictures were taken today at Snowbird. It snowed most of the day.

I wonder if Brian Head is still open.

That darn global warming is just hell, isn't it!

1 comment:

  1. This is nothing new for us. It seems that it has poured for days, but thankfully no snow.
