Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chloe Hanks

Susan Barrier Hanks came to Provo this weekend bringing her daughter Chloe to BYU. This picture shows Chloe. She is the beautiful girl on the left at her high school graduation. She was the valedictorian and the graduation speaker. Her interests are electronics and electrical engineering. A serious prodigy.





 I didn't take any pictures on this visit so you are getting some stolen pictures. This is Susan with all her kids except David. He was on a mission when this one was taken. The guy in the blue shirt is Trevor, he is on a mission now.  Behind Trevor is Ethan, in green is Brooke,  then Susan. Next is Emma, then Chloe and in the pink is Hannah.


These are all very darling, nice, well behaved kids. It was a real pleasure to see them and get to know them some. 

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