Thursday, March 29, 2012


    • Saturday, April 7, 2012

    • 6:30pm until 9:30pm
  • Exchange Park, Provo UT, 700 N 900 W
  • On April 7, 2012, we're making a stand against sexual violence in our community. Join us as we hold a march and candlelight vigil on the Provo River Trail. Our purpose is two-fold: to give a voice to survivors of sexual assault and to come together as a critical mass of people who are opposed to sexual violence. After the vigil, we'll hear from Dr. Niwako Yamawaki, an expert on gender violence, and Kelsey Hannon, a survivor of sexual assault, on how we can better support survivors of assault and make our community safer. Help us take back the night and take back the Provo River Trail


  1. Indeed a lofty and worthy endeavor...... However, I believe that it is impossible to secure this trail against rapist, and those that prey on the innocent. Support after the fact is certainly needed, but I say, be smart. Stay off this trail at or walk with others. Just because you should be able to do something, doesn't mean it is a good idea. Every time I drive down Provo Canyon and observe a single runner on this trail, I am concerned.

  2. I think the point of these types of events isn't to tell people to walk in a group at night or never go outside when it is dark. I think it is to show that you can be raped at any time anywhere by anyone, most likely by someone you know and trust. The last rape happened during the middle of the day.
    Its called victim blaming when people point out that someone shouldn't have done something or should have done something which resulted in their rape. That completely avoids the point. There is never a time, place or person that makes it okay to be raped. No one deserves that.
