Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bedroom Remodel

For some years now I have wanted to make the two bedroom on the east end of my house into one big bedroom. This would mean cutting out the wall between the two rooms. Well, we had to change the doors and re-route the electricity too. So here goes. This is the SE corner. Remember those skinny windows. I had all the windows replaced two or three years ago. Should have opened these up, cut the brick and made a bigger window. I didn't. Too late now.
New corner with a little furniture.

Rebeccca and I went to IKEA yesterday looking for a right size, right color, right comfort sofa for the 70 inch space we had on the East wall. Here it is--blue with some cute pillows.
As we were walking through the store we saw this cool little leather chair with a foot stool. We sat down in them, Rebecca in the chair and me on the foot stool. We talked for maybe an hour. We realized we had both been very comfortable in this chair and stool so we bought them too.


  1. Looks fantastic! The sofa especially looks great along this wall. I can't wait to get down to see everything in one visual swoop. Good for you!!!!!

  2. Thank you! I have been waiting on these pictures, please keep them coming. I do not care one flip about Mr. Jimmer and his awards. Show me your house! I love the sofa and chair, and Rebecca tells me the ceiling is a light blue...I love a light blue ceiling.
