Thursday, March 10, 2011

MWC Playoffs BYU over TCU 64 - 58

UNM beat CSU today, 67-61. That means we face them in the semi-finals tomorrow at 7pm in Las Vegas. If you want to see the game on TV, its on the Mountain.

Jimmer Fredette

Kyle Collingsworth

Jackson Emory
This is our last year in the MWC. Next year we will be playing in the West Coast Conference with Pepperdine and the like.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the BYU Update. Chuck said the game was expected to be a blowout for BYU, but it wasn't. We'll keep our fingers crossed for tomorrow. Will you be glued to your couch? Not me, I'm taking care of business......having my hair done.
